HELVHET | MAILING-LIST | #2018 | #2019 | #2020 | #2021 | #2022 | #2023

What is HELVHET?

The aims of HELVHET are

We hope to stimulate contacts among historians of economics, economic historians, STS scholars, historians of science, economists, sociologists… and everyone interested in HELVHET.

Since 2018, an annual event takes place in Switzerland: so far in Lausanne (2018), in Zürich (2019), in Luzern (2020, cancelled), in Lausanne (2021), and in Luzern (2022). Keep posted on the mailing-list!

History of HELVHET

This initiative was born in 2017, after a few attendees of the HISRECO conference in Lucerne realised that there were several people working in Switzerland and abroad on related topics at Swiss institutions.

The “Luzern group” who launched HELVHET was composed by (warning: legacy affiliations):